Welcome to Aoife's NotesHomeworkBelow is the homework for the class you selected.Click here to go back to the class list Date Set: 5th September Date Due:6th September Details:Finish reading the fiction extract we began in class today. (Pages 3 to 5 of your textbook). Date Set: 6th Sept Date Due: 9th September Details:Set Sail Textbook - page 8. Answer questions 1, 2 and 3 in your copy. Make sure you use your dictionary correctly and write PIE structure answers where you are required to do so. Don’t forget to bring in a novel from Monday on! Remember, ‘War Horse’ is your class novel, not the novel you will be reading for pleasure this term, so you may not use ‘War Horse’. Date Set: 9th September Date Due: 10th September Details:Read at least one chapter of the novel you bring to school to read for pleasure. Remember, we need to fill those Red Read boards! Don't forget to bring your book with you every day. Date Set: 10th September Date Due: 12th September Details: In your Set Sail portfolio, write the diary entries discussed in class today. Read all instructions carefully once more before you begin. Date Set: 12th September Date Due: 13th September Details: Word definitions: 'Set Sail' - Story: First Confession. In your copy, write the word and the corresponding number as we discussed in class today. Make sure your work is neatly presented. Date Set: 13th September Date Due: 16th September Details:From the questions after the story First Confession (page 24 of your textbook): What is your impression of Jackie in the story? Try to make two points in your answer. Don't forget to use the PIE structure! Date Set: 16th September Date Due: 17th September Details: Portfolio: Pages 22 and 23. As we discussed in class today, fill in the envelopes on both pages. Read the instructions at the top of the page carefully. Reminder: Give the reading letter to your parents. Date Set:17th September Date Due: 19th September Details: Question 2 on 'First Confession', as discussed in class: 'Would you like to have Nora for a sister? Explain your answer with reference to the text. Date Set: 19th September Date Due: 20th September Details: In your portfolio, on page 10, write a character sketch of a person you know well. Try to use as many descriptive words as possible. We discussed this in detail in class, so think about the points raised during that discussion! Date Set: 23rd Sept Date Due: 24th Sept Details:Page 28 of your Set Sail textbook: Write a short poem using between three and five metaphors, using ONE of the following titles: 'What is a Rainbow? What is a Cloud? What is Snow? What is Lightning?' You only need to write ONE short poem. Look at Wes Magee's 'What Is The Sun?' again for inspiration! Date Set: 26th September Date Due: 30th September Details: Learn the underlined quotes from the first THREE stanzas of Geography Lesson by Brian Patten (page 29 of your textbook) Date Set: 4th October Date Due: 7th October Details:Revise the PIE structure for answering questions AND revise the short story ‘First Confession’. As discussed in class today, we will be doing a class comprehension test on these in the next lesson. Date Set: 7th October Date Due: 8th October Details: In your copy, answer the following questions on the poem ‘Geography Lesson’. These questions are also on the bottom of page 32 in your textbook. 1. What impression do you get of the teacher? 2. How has the poet been affected by what he has learned from this teacher? ALSO: Don’t forget to get the result of today’s quote test signed by a parent or guardian. Date Set: 8th October Date Due: 10th October Details: Read at least one chapter of the novel you are reading for pleasure. Obviously, the more you read, the better! Date Set:11th Date Due:14th Oct Details: 1. Learn the underlined quotes from the poem 'Fifteen'. There will be a test on Monday. 2. Portfolio: Pages 13 and 14. Follow the directions, as discussed in class today. Remember, you only have to do the first half of page 14 (copy the drawing of your family's crest). If you cannot find a family coat of arms, you can use the Cork coat of arms to answer the same questions. Date Set: 14th October Date Due: 15th October Details: Page 14 of your portfolio: Design a coat of arms for your class. As we discussed in class, think of the interests or values you feel represent your class. Maybe hurleys, a rugby ball, a chess piece, a book... The list is endless! Use colours that you feel suit the class. You might want to use the CBC colours or you might choose your own colours. Be prepared to explain your choices to Miss McCormack and Mrs O'Driscoll! Date Set:15th October Date Due: 17th October Details: 1. Have a parent or guardian sign the test you did in class today. 2. Learn all the underlined quotes from the poem 'Fifteen' once more. 3. Read at least one chapter of the novel you are reading for pleasure. Date Set: 18th October Date Due: 21st October Details: 1. Poetry quote test to be signed by a parent or guardian. 2. Page 35 in 'Set Sail' textbook: In your copy, write a PIE-structured paragraph which answers the question, 'The boy in the poem was faced with temptation. What was the temptation and how did he deal with it? Do you think he make the right decision?' Date Set: 22nd October Date Due: 24th October Details: As discussed in class, the portfolio exercise on pages 15 and 16: writing dramatic dialogue Date Set: 24th Date Due: 25th October Details: Letter writing task in portfolio. Date Set: 4th November Date Due: 5th November Details:In your copy, complete the exercise on page 48 of your textbook: 'Show, Don't Tell'. Date Set: 8th November Date Due: 11th November Details: Read at least two chapters of the novel you are reading for pleasure. Date Set: 11th November Date Due: 12th November Details: Page 49 in your textbook: Answer the three questions about Professor Umbridge. Question 1 should be a PIE structured answer. Question 2 is a series of short sentences; there is no need for a PIE structure here. Question 3 should be a PIE structured answer. Date Set: 15th Nov Date Due: 18th Nov Details:Read Roald Dahl's 'The Landlady' through once more. Page 62 of your textbook: working out the meaning of words based on their context. Write the words and their corresponding numbers into your copy. Remember, this is one of the stories you must be prepared to answer on in your Christmas test! You need to know the plot, the characters and the word definitions. Date Set: 18th November Date Due: 19th November Details: 1. Finish the questions on page 63 of your textbook. 2. Read the story 'The Landlady' once again, checking that you know the spelling of the author's name, the facts of the story and the definitions/spellings of the underlined words. There will be a test on this story in Thursday's class. Date Set:21st November Date Due: 22nd November Details: List all the examples of foreshadowing you can find in the story 'The Landlady'. Date Set: 22nd November Date Due: 25th November Details: Portfolio task on 'The Landlady'. See page 65 of your textbook. There will be a test on the plot and the word definitions on Monday. Date Set: 25th November Date Due: 26th November Details:1. Today's test to be signed. 2. Continue revision for your Christmas test, using the sheets you were given in class. Date Set:26th November Date Due: 28th November Details: Page 67 of your textbook: Question 1 ONLY. Write a one paragraph description of the hallway of an old house in such a way as to create a creepy atmosphere. Also, continue your revision for your Christmas test. Date Set:28th November Date Due: 29th November Details: Page 67 of your textbook: Write a one paragraph description of the hallway of an old house, using one of the other options(not the one you used last night). Continue your revision for your Christmas test, using the sheets you were given in class. Date Set: 2nd December Date Due: 3rd December Details:1. If you have not already brought in the book for the Secret Santa at the Christmas lunch, please do so by tomorrow as they all need to be wrapped before the lunch! 2. Finish the redraft of one of the pieces of atmospheric writing you did last week. 3. Continue your revision for the Christmas test. Date Set: 6th January Date Due: 7th January Details: Learn the first twelve lines of the poem 'The Listeners' by heart. Date Set: 7th January Date Due: 9th January Details: Learn the definition of 'alliteration' from your book. Learn the definition of 'alliteration' from your book. Date Set: 9th January Date Due: 10th January Details: Learn the last twelve lines of 'The Listeners' by heart. Date Set: 10th January Date Due: 13th January Details: 1 Read at least one more chapter of your novel. 2. Make sure you know the poem 'The Listeners' by heart. There will be a test on Monday. 3. Learn the various ways an author can capture our attention in the opening of a novel or story (pages 73 and 74 of 'Set Sail') Date Set: 16th January Date Due: 17th January Details: Write out the definitions from Chapters 1 and 2 of 'War Horse' in your copy. Page 145 of 'Set Sail' Date Set: 17th January Date Due: 20th January Details: 'Set Sail' page 145: Write out the word definitions from Chapter 3 in your copy. Answer all the questions on Chapter 3 in your copy. Date Set: 20th January Date Due: 21st January Details: 'Set Sail' page 146: Write out the word definitions from Chapter 4 in your copy. Answer all the questions on Chapter 4 in your copy. Date Set: 23rd January Date Due: 24th January Details: 'Set Sail' page 146: Write out the word definitions from Chapter 5 in your copy. Answer all the questions on Chapter 5 in your copy. There will be a test on word definitions tomorrow. Date Set: 24th January Date Due: 27th January Details: Finish reading all of Chapter Six of 'War Horse'. Don't forget to have your word definitions test signed in your portfolio. Date Set: 31st January Date Due: 3rd February Details: Read all of Chapter Nine of 'War Horse'. Date Set: 3rd February Date Due:4th February Details: We re-read Chapter Nine in class today so make sure you know all of the details for tomorrow! Read Chapter Ten for homework. As discussed in class today, there will be a test on Chapter Ten tomorrow so make sure you read it carefully. Date Set: 4th February Date Due: 6th February Details: 1. Have your test result signed by your parents. 2. Read Chapter 11 of 'War Horse' tonight. There will be short tests every day to ensure you are reading carefully at home. Date Set: 7th February Date Due: 10th Feb Details:1. Read chapters 13 and 14 of 'War Horse'. There will be a short test on these on Monday. 2. Have your test signed. Date Set: 24th February Date Due: 25th February Details: Chapter questions and word definitions from Chapters 17 and 18. Finish reading Chapter 18 at home tonight. |
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