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Welcome to Aoife's Notes

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Dancing At Lughnasa - Character Sketches

Emilia Essay Plan - Othello - Revision

Hamlet - Act 1 Scene 1 Slideshow

Hamlet - Act 1 Scene 2 Slideshow

Hamlet - Act 3 Scene 2

Hamlet - Approaches to two Pre LC questions

Hamlet - Horatio and Laertes - Dramatic Functions

Hamlet - Marking Scheme for 2005 Question on Hamlet's strengths and weaknesses

Hamlet and Revenge - Examining the reasons for his inaction and planning an essay on same

King Lear - Brief Character Sketches

King Lear Imagery and Symbolism DEB Pre Sample Answer

King Lear - Approaching Cordelia Essay - 2002 SEC - Slideshow

King Lear - DEB Pre Question on Imagery and Symbolism - Approaching the Essay Slideshow

King Lear - Dramatic Scene - Act 5 Scene 3

King Lear - Essay Plan for Lear being a man more sinned against than sinning

King Lear - Imagery - Disease

King Lear - Imagery - Nature and Animals

King Lear - Imagery - Sight and Blindness

King Lear - Justice Slideshow

King Lear - Kingship

King Lear - The Role of the Fool

King Lear - Theme of Love - Slideshow

King Lear - Types of Question Slideshow

King Lear Character Revison Worksheets With Answers- Aoife O'Driscoll

King Lear Resources

King Lear Slideshow - Aoife O'Driscoll

King Lear Theme Revison Worksheets With Answers - Aoife O'Driscoll

Macbeth - 2023 Examcraft Pre - Banquo and Macduff - Slideshow

Macbeth - AC Bradley lectures

Macbeth - Architect of his own downfall - Slideshow 1

Macbeth - Character of Macbeth Slideshow

Macbeth - Lady Macbeth - How to Write Notes on her Character

Macbeth - Revision Day Notes

Macbeth - Revision Day Slides

Macbeth - Sample Essay - Banquo

Macbeth - Sample Essay - Dramatic Scene

Macbeth - Sample Essay - Relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbet

Macbeth - Sample Essay on Evil

Macbeth - Sample Essay on Macduff

Macbeth - Sample Essay on Power from 2007 LC exam

Macbeth One Sheet - Examcraft Pre 2023

Macbeth as a Tragic Hero Slideshow

Othello - Brief Notes on Each Scene

Othello - Character Notes

Othello - Theme of Jealousy

Othello - 2008 OL Sample Answers

Othello - Approaching the Essay

Othello - Cassio - Slideshow

Othello - Character of Emilia - Slideshow

Othello - Desdemona - Character Slide

Othello - Gender and Sexuality - One Page Revision

Othello - Iago and Emilia - Character Notes

Othello - Iago- Fascinating Villain - Slideshow

Othello - Temptation Scene - Slideshow

Othello - Theme of Jealousy slideshow

Othello - Whole Play Scene by Scene

Single Text - Approaching the Essay - Slideshow

Single Text - PCLM Marking Scheme Explained

The Secret Life of Bees - Notes

The Secret Life of Bees - Sample Answers